It's funny how much relationships change when you are infertile. I have built an amazing support group of friends who are also struggling to conceive. Some of us have been in touch for 2 years or more. But something strange happens when you're part of a group of friends who are all trying to conceive. There are different dynamics to your relationships. You are all in it for the same end goal of getting pregnant. And some reach that goal. And some don't. But what happens when you're one of the people who is left behind in the group of women who haven't conceived? There becomes a divide.
Last year, around this same time, I took a break from facebook. I stayed in contact with many of my infertile friends to offer support and just check in on life overall. This year has been different. Many of those women have conceived. They have had their children or are in the late stages of pregnancy. It's a hard thing to feel like you're being left behind or even forgotten. You no longer share the bond of the struggle to conceive. They have moved on to pregnancy concerns or concerns with their child. Who can blame them though? They have finally gotten the thing we've all been dreaming of over the last few years. It's just hard when you have to take a look at the relationship and see that there was only one bond holding you together and while you are still in that place, they are not. You have been left behind.