Monday, July 1, 2013

New blog, complete with that new blog smell.

I decided to start a new blog.  I had kept my previous one pretty private and limited access to it, but I'm ready to take the plunge into the blogging world and get my story out there.  Hopefully you all will find this blog interesting enough, or at the very least use it as a way to keep up on our journey through infertility, life, and love.  Most of this blog will revolve around infertility as that is what occupies most of our time at the moment.

A little back story on us:

>January 2006-Ryan and I started dating

>October 2008- Ryan and I got engaged!

>August 2010- Ryan and I got married and started trying to have a baby :)

>January 2012- After almost 18 months of trying to conceive, I was diagnosed with "Unexplained Infertility"

>August 2012, We found out we have a perfect storm of infertility when Ryan was diagnosed with infertility too.

Currently, we see Family Fertility in Appleton, WI.  Our most recent update with our fertility is that after several (9 !!!) unsuccessful doses of Clomid we will be trying Femara for 3 months.  If we do not conceive within the next three medicated cycles, we will be referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist, in either Green Bay, WI or Chicago, IL.

As far as life outside of infertility, Ryan and I love spending time together.  We love movies, reading and games (both video and board games).  We have a 4 year old Havanese dog; her name is Pancakes (Yes, you read that right...we named our dog after a breakfast food). We love spending time with our friends and family, including our nieces and nephews!  Ryan loves Batman and cooking.  I love taking pictures, painting and creating just about anything.

That's it for the intro, I hope you stick around to see where this journey takes us!

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